Çerez Örnek
canlı destek

Plant Breeding and Genetics Department


The scientific research projects and breeding programs are being conducted for cereals, industrial crops, potato and legume crops. Graduate and undergraduate courses are taught in the fields of breeding, genetics, cytogenetics, population genetics, breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses and biotechnology.



Agronomy is one of the three sub-departments in Field Crops Department and covers the principles of agronomic practices of field crops. The crops which are being studied;

  1. Cereals (wheat, oat, rye, barley, maize, sorghum, rice, etc.)
  2. Legumes (bean, faba bean, lentil, chickpea, green pea, cowpea, etc.)
  3. Fiber Crops (cotton, flax, cannabis, jute, etc.)
  4. Oil Crops (sesame, sunflower, rapeseed, peanut, safflower, etc.)
  5. Starch-Sugar Crops (potato, sugar beet, etc.)
  6. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (mentha, thyme, tobacco, etc.)

For the crops mentioned above, the research projects related with agronomic practices (soil preparation, sowing date, planting norms, seed material, fertilizing, weed and pest control, etc.) are being conducted on the experimental station and the laboratories. In the Agronomy Section, there are 32 semester/hour for the undergraduate degree and 42 semester/hour for the graduate degree courses are given about the principles of plant production systems.

There are 4 specialized laboratories in the department as Tobacco, Potato, Medicinal Plants and Plant Physiology which are ready to use for student practices and scientific researches.



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